
Le magazine de l'école des saints des derniers jours

Bienvenue au magazine des écoles de maison des saints des derniers jours, le premier et original magazine destiné aux membres de l’Église de Jésus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours, réunissant les cœurs des familles qui enseignent à la maison.

Bienvenue dans le magazine des sœurs des derniers jours

Au Latter-Day Saint Home School Magazine, l’école à la maison de votre famille est importante. Nous reconnaissons les sacrifices que les familles font à l'école familiale à leurs enfants. Chez Latter-Day Saint Home School Magazine, notre priorité est de vous donner les informations dont vous avez besoin et le soutien que vous méritez. Depuis plus de 20 ans, de nombreuses familles de saints des derniers jours apprécient la valeur d’une école familiale. Nous cherchons à vous proposer le meilleur de l'école à la maison et à investir nos meilleurs cerveaux dans toutes les chroniques que nous suivons. Le succès de l'école à la maison de votre famille est notre priorité numéro un. Lire la suite

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Plus de 35 ans

Expérience auprès de clients du monde entier

98 millions de dollars

Récupéré dans notre plus grand recours collectif

600 entreprises

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Plus de 500

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par Staff 27 sept., 2019
The Church is launching a global youth program. Homeschool families in the church will likely find these changes will fit better with their homeschool program. Some individuals have even hinted that the program potentially could include monthly family activities. Also, the new program seems to show a family centered focus and increased family involvement that works smoothly with the new "Come Follow Me" program that has already been very popular with homeschool families. Learn more about the new program by visiting the Church's Children and Youth page.
par Staff 28 mai, 2019
Many may have heard something about HSLDA, the homeschool law firm. How many of you have ever considered joining them? Many homeschool families really should. The organization is for all homeschool families. They will even defend you in court if they must to protect homeschooling rights for everyone. They are all homeschoolers themselves and they just want to help your family stay safe and be able to homeschool in the future. Some members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints may feel that they would not be allowed to join HSLDA as members of the church. That could not be further from the truth. You will find HSLDA will help your family and treat your family with the same love, care, and support as they treat any other family. HSLDA not only offers many membership benefits for about $125 a year per family, being a membership based organization, but they also help with legal representation, legal counsel, graduation supplies and resources, transcript services, state homeschool law guidance, and much more. Those of us who have worked with HSLDA before know that these are high quality people that are a valuable ally in the homeschool world. They will also help if you run into troubles with social services as a true advocate and a resource that will tell you the truth and help you know how to truly protect your family when trouble comes. Best yet is they will help you know how to never run into trouble in the first place. Their website is Here are their membership requirements as noted on their website as of 5/2019: Who is eligible for membership with HSLDA? You are invited to join if: You are homeschooling or intend to homeschool at least one child. All your children have graduated. Your children are too young for a formal program of education. Your children are enrolled in a private school but you want to support homeschooling. You have no children. You are citizens of—or live in—another country, and meet one of the above qualifications.
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